Last updated on March 6th, 2024
Inside: 15 Pregnancy Must-Haves you’ll need for optimizing your comfort during pregnancy. These 15 products and resources are a must for relieving all of your pregnancy related aches and pains.

Our bodies go through countless changes during pregnancy. Growing a human takes a tremendous amount of work and all of the physical changes can put strain on your body.
It’s impossible to 100% prevent all of the physical discomforts that you may experience, but with the right products and resources, you can better manage any unpleasant aches and pains that may arise.
There are literally thousands of pregnancy related products and resources out there, which can be overwhelming. At a time when saving every penny counts, you won’t want to waste money on products that aren’t going to be beneficial, especially as pregnancy is such a short phase in your life.
I wanted to share with you what are the most important products and resources to invest in during your pregnancy that will maximize your comfort level. Coming from someone who had a big-baby-belly, trust me, I experienced alllll the aches and pains that go with pregnancy.

If you are in your first trimester still, you won’t want to miss this post giving tips on How To Survive The Frist Trimester. The first trimester is honestly probably the hardest! Of course, being big is uncomfortable, but nothing is worse than vomiting non-stop.
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1. Don’t Wait To Buy Maternity Clothes
Mama, don’t wait to buy yourself some maternity clothes. I know a lot of moms who were exactly like me and waited way too long to switch to maternity clothes.
During my first pregnancy, I guess I felt a little guilty for spending money on clothes that I’d likely wear for only a few short months. I also didn’t really believe that they would be all that different from just buying larger sizes in regular clothes.
But, girl, once I made the swap, I realized just how wrong I was to have waited so long for maternity clothes. Wearing clothes that are designed specifically with your new body shape in mind makes all the difference in your comfort level.
Making the switch feels like finally letting out a big long breath that you’ve been holding in for too long. I promise you, your comfort level is worth the investment into your pregnancy wardrobe.
During my second pregnancy, my belly bump popped even faster, and I didn’t even hesitate to bust out the maternity clothes at 8 weeks. No shame. The last thing you want are tight waistbands when your belly is super bloated and you’re nauseous early on.
Maternity Clothing Items That I Recommend:
- Bigger + Comfortable Bras
A new bra is probably the first clothing purchase many women will make during pregnancy. So many changes happen to our breasts very early on as they begin to prepare for milk production for our babies.
Don’t hesitate to size up! Your boobs will thank you for it when they can breathe again, especially if they become very sore and tender during the first trimester.
Personally, I don’t think maternity underwear is worth the expense though. I had a pretty large bump during my first pregnancy and had no problem with my normal underwear. I mean, if you want to splurge, by all means, go for it. But this is one product you can likely do without.
- Pants, Shorts, Leggings, Jeans, + Dresses
Maternity bottoms are likely the second clothing purchase you’ll be making as your belly starts to grow. I know it seems like shirts would come first, but bottoms are typically styled in tighter fits than tops. Your uterus sits a lot lower in your body than you’d think. Between all the bloating and your growing uterus, you’ll definitely run out of room to button your pants in no time.
I personally prefer the over-the-bump styled bottoms. The under-the-bump style, make my love-handle areas just spill over top which makes me feel self conscious. I especially preferred the over-the-bump style with my second pregnancy when my belly was already a lot looser and stretched out to begin with.
You’ll be surprised to learn that when it comes to maternity clothes, you just simply buy the same size that you would normally. I actually enjoyed wearing maternity jeans; if all jeans were as comfortable I’d probably give up my leggings for them, because I honestly don’t think I’ve worn jeans since being pregnant. Can anyone relate?
During my second pregnancy, I lived in these over-the-bump capri leggings. They are so soft and stretchy that I could probably sleep in them. I struggled finding shorts that I loved, until I found this super comfy pair from Amazon and wore them almost every day.
If you have a summer pregnancy, you can ditch the pants and wear dresses all summer. Dresses are the best for feeling like you’re growing belly isn’t restricted in tight clothing all day long. A bonus is that so many summer dresses come sleeveless, so you’ll be able to stay nice and cool during the hottest months.
- T-shirts, Tank Tops, and Long-Sleeved Tops
The next clothing item you’ll be buying are maternity tops. My go-to style are the tops with ruched sides, which are very bump-flattering. Tops are pretty easy to find in both department stores and online. I love this variety pack of t-shirts and this three-pack of tank tops that I found on Amazon during my second pregnancy. They hold up well in the wash, are comfy, and the color choices are pretty.
- Sleepwear
Ya’ll, buying maternity pajamas is a must. I didn’t realize my pajama pants were uncomfortable until I swapped to maternity style.
My fleece under-the-bump pj pants during my first pregnancy are all I slept in. I’m sure they were hideous (they had dancing gingerbread men on them), but they were everything I needed in comfort.
Now these pants aren’t technically maternity, but I’m telling you right now, you need them. I honestly would buy 50 pair if I could and just strictly live in these for the rest of my life. Okay, I’m kidding (sort of), but seriously, they are the softest pants I’ve ever owned. They are pretty bump-friendly too, and will likely last you your whole pregnancy. A bonus is that they will be perfect for postpartum, especially at the hospital when you are still so swollen.
Speaking of postpartum, don’t miss my post containing 5 Postpartum Secrets That Nobody Tells You. You’ll be surprised when you read these 5 secrets.
- Summer Seasonal Items
If you have a summertime pregnancy, you’ll want to invest in a good maternity swimsuit. You don’t want to be excluded from a fun pool or beach day just because you don’t have a suit that fits anymore. And mama, don’t hide that body just because it’s growing and changing. Own it and enjoy the pool!
- Winter Seasonal Items
For winter pregnancies, don’t delay in buying (or borrowing) a maternity winter coat and some winter boots. If you’re anything like me, I’ll bet most of your winter boots have a slight wedge or heel to them, unless their designed for shoveling snow.
You might be able to get away with boots that have a slight heel, but I experienced very severe hip (pelvic joint) issues and walked with a bad limp so any sort of heel was totally out of the question for me. Also, my center of gravity had shifted so much that I was worried I’d slip in a heeled boot, regardless of the pelvic pain.
I wanted a good warm boot to stay dry in the snow and anti-slip tread without it being a huge bulky ‘playing in the snow’ boot. I eventually found ones I liked, but it was a struggle because I waited until the last minute. If you have a winter pregnancy, don’t wait to shoe shop when things are sold out. Make a plan to buy in early fall.
I personally couldn’t justify spending a few hundred on a maternity coat that I would potentially wear once in my life. Search marketplace or ask your local mom-group if anyone is selling one before you splurge. I ended up wearing a hand me down coat that was a size or so too big in non-maternity and I made it work. I felt a bit bulky in it, but it served its purpose, so that is another option for you.
If you’re due in very late fall or very early winter, you might be able to even get away with wearing hoodies and layers. Either way, plan ahead and either start asking around or budget in for that coat.
2. Maternity Pillow For Better Sleep
I love my maternity pillow because I simply could not sleep without it during pregnancy. They are an absolute must if you want to be able to sleep without as much pain each night.
I had a really big belly bump and a very painful lower back so I would sleep on my side and position my bump to rest over top one side of the pillow. This would take some pressure off of my belly and allow me to get some rest. I would then position one of my knees to rest over top the bottom of the pillow for some pelvic pain relief.
A maternity pillow will also help keep you from laying flat on your back, which is unsafe during pregnancy. It kind of wedges you in so that you stay positioned on your side and helps prevent you from rolling to your back during the night.
They are pretty bulky but 100% worth it for some better quality sleep. I’m loving these super feminine pillow covers for them too!
3. Belly Band To Ease Back and Pelvic Pain
A maternity belt or belly band is a must for easing the pressure on your back and pelvis from your growing bump. Your back will thank you for the support!
If you buy one that you don’t love, don’t hesitate to return it and search for a better one. There are a ton of different ones out there to choose from.
4. Great Water Bottle or Cup To Stay Hydrated
Drinking a ton of water during pregnancy is an absolute must. For me, I am picky about water, it’s got to be ice cold.
I’ve tried a ton of different straw cups and water bottles, trying to find one that stays icy and is big without being too bulky. This is my favorite water cup and is by far the best one I’ve found. The ice stays formed for HOURS with this one and even once it melts, the water will be cold all day long.
A bonus is that this water cup will be perfect for those late night nursing sessions postpartum when you can’t ever seem to get enough water.
5. Probiotics To Prevent Pregnancy Constipation
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice.
I love these probiotics. They saved me during my first pregnancy. I started taking them during my third trimester when the awful constipation hit and have honestly just been taking them ever since. I credit them to keeping my GI system in good balance.
They have an orange wafer in each bottle that permeates through the pills so that they have an orange zest taste to them. This prevents any bitter aftertaste. The orange flavor made them easier to get down during the morning sickness phase of pregnancy for me.
6. Exercise Ball To Open Up Your Hips and Increase Circulation
I lived on my exercise ball during my first pregnancy. Sitting on the ball at night and stretching out my hips really helped ease the discomfort I was feeling. I’d just sit in front of the TV at night stretching everything out and do hip circles to ease some of the tension.
And of course, at the end of the third trimester, I would gently bounce on it and continue my stretches in the hopes that it would help induce labor. I know it did help open up my pelvic joints and increase circulation, which is never a bad thing!
7. Pregnancy Journal to Document Your Journey
For first time pregnancies, writing in a pregnancy journal is a must. It’s the perfect way to document everything in one space so that you can remember all of the details. It is true that you quickly forget so much as time goes by. It’s also a great way to bond with your baby and feel in touch with the pregnancy too.
Mamas that are in your second time (or more) pregnancies, I recommend a baby book. Most baby books cover the pregnancy in a couple of pages, but mainly focus on the first year. This is more practical for second time pregnancies as there is usually a bit less to document the second time around. There is usually no baby shower and oftentimes a shared nursery, etc.
8. Slip On Shoes So You Don’t Have To Bend Over When Your Belly Is Big
Slip on shoes deserved their very own spot on my list apart from maternity clothes because they are that important. Unless you have someone that can assist you in putting your shoes on everyday, you’re going to want slip on shoes near the end of your pregnancy, specifically.
For me, at the end of my first pregnancy, I physically could not get into the position to put shoes on without so much pelvic pressure and pain. I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but my huge baby and small frame made it nearly impossible to do so much at the end.
Slip on shoes are great for the swelling near the end as well. A lot of women have a hard time fitting into their typical shoes near the end of their pregnancies.
You’ll want them at the hospital too when your feet might really swell from fluids they give you and everything else. I couldn’t fit into my usual tennis shoes at the hospital due to this. Honestly, even my flip flops fit weird at the hospital due to the swelling. And I just want to note that my blood pressure wasn’t ever high and I still had a ton of swelling at the end. It can happen to anyone.
9. A Great Online Support Group
A great online support group is a resource that I absolutely couldn’t live without during either of my pregnancies (or postpartum, baby, and toddler journeys). I can’t tell you how many times I reached out and relied on a group of (at first) total strangers. I’d rely on my group for help for any crisis, question, or joyful moment I wanted to share during pregnancy and beyond.
In the early days, it was amazing to lean on and be open with these girls that were experiencing the very same things. This was especially nice while I was still keeping things secret with the rest of the world.
If I had a weird symptom or worry in the middle of the night, I knew someone in the group from across the country would be awake too. They would answer my question and lend an ear of support.
I truly can’t stress enough how much these girls mean to me. They are my village, even if we’ll never meet in real life. If you find a great group without drama, stay involved. They will become your lifeline through so much of your motherhood.
10. Great Food Containers + Lunch Box For Healthy Eating
I was constantly hungry during my pregnancies and would munch on snacks all day long. I bought a great lunchbox to keep my snacks fresh and cool all day. This ensured that I’d pack and eat healthy options versus bags of chips.
Using a lunchbox really helped me stay healthy throughout the pregnancy. It helped me keep my weight gain within a level me and my OB were both comfortable with. Without preplanned healthy snacks and lunches, I would have been more likely to order food at work.
I love the two different compartments in this lunch box. The bottom is big enough to fit the compartmentalized meal prep containers easily, with room for extras on top.
11. Chiropractor to Adjust Your Back
Find a great chiropractor that is both experienced and comfortable in working with pregnant women. Plan to budget in regular chiropractic care during your whole pregnancy. Include more frequent visits at the end of your pregnancy.
Your spine can become so out of alignment as your body makes room for your growing baby. These changes to your spine can really become painful. Over time, if not corrected, they can truly become a nightmare to treat.
I cannot recommend enough that you make seeing a chiropractor a priority during postpartum as well. Once you get the all clear from your doctor, making an appointment.
Having a couple of adjustments done after your baby is born can really make all the difference in your comfort level. Our bones do so much moving and separating during pregnancy, and they don’t always just bounce right back in to place afterward.
12. Masseuse To Help With Aches and Stress
I know a scheduling a massage might sound a little like high-end maintenance. However, if you can budget in a trip to the masseuse here and there, you’re body will be so much better for it. With your body learning to compensate for the added weight to your belly by shifting its center of gravity, you are bound to have some sore muscles.
Honestly, even just sleeping in one specific position each night is enough to make your body sore and tense. Massages are great for increasing circulation, working out knots in muscles, and helping to relax your state of mind. Spending a few extra bucks on yourself will go a long way toward your physical and mental wellbeing.
13. Pedicure To Reduce Swelling Discomfort
Splurge on a pedicure when you can near the last month or so of your pregnancy. Most women’s feet, ankles, and calves will begin to swell near the end of their pregnancy. A pedicure will feel great and can help reduce the swelling some.
Even if you don’t have swelling, the added weight to your body will likely cause your feet to feel some discomfort. Having some pampering and pretty toes for labor will feel totally worth it. Remember that you won’t have the opportunity to go back for quite some time after your baby is born.
If you don’t want to splurge on pedicures, you could always invest in a foot bath for home. These work wonders and as a bonus, you can use it whenever you want. You won’t have to wait for your schedule to line up or pay the salon costs.
14. Heat Pad + Ice Pack To Relieve Pain and Tension
You’re definitely going to find value in a good heating pad and an ice pack during your pregnancy. You’ll experience aches and pains throughout your whole pregnancy.
Even in the first trimester, you can have cramping and lower back aches. An at home heating pad and ice pack are wonderful to have on hand. You’ll find value to these products postpartum as well.
15. Squatty Potty to Help With Bathroom Discomfort
Lastly, girls, you’re gonna want a squatty potty. Before you laugh, just hear me out. As that baby grows and grows, your intestines are going to be squished up with no room to breathe.
In that last trimester especially, you’ll likely experience some level of constipation. This can be made worse particularly if you are on iron supplements for anemia.
You’ll also find the squatty potty to be helpful for those first few weeks postpartum when things are super sore and healing down there. The squatty potty can help in positioning you to relieve yourself easier.
Well that’s a wrap on my favorite pregnancy must have products and resources. My one piece of advice is to utilize whichever things make your pregnancy easier. Whether that be products, apps, or online support groups, whatever it is, go for it. Growing a human is hard, so don’t be afraid to invest some time or money on yourself to make the process more enjoyable.
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