Last updated on October 24th, 2023
Inside: This fingerprint fall tree really captures all the colors that autumn brings and your kids will love this sensory painting experience!

Fingerprint Fall Tree
I am totally getting more and more into the fall spirit and loving this crisp autumn weather we are having. One way to get into the festive mood is by creating some fun fall artwork with your kids!
This fingerprint fall tree was so fun and easy to create with my toddler.
What You Need For Fingerprint Fall Tree
- washable paint (red, orange, yellow, green, brown)
- paper
- small paintbrush for lettering
- wider paintbrush for tree trunk
If you’ve never painted with a toddler before, be sure to check out this post. It details all the ins and outs for set up, clean up, and must-have supplies for painting with younger kids.
How To Do Fingerprint Fall Tree
I like to start by painting my toddler’s hand in the brown paint and helping him stamp his handprint near the top of the paper.
Afterward, I wipe off most of the brown paint using an old wet washcloth – you don’t have to leave their hand sparkling clean – this craft is meant to be imperfect.
Next I squirt some fall colors onto a paint palette or the kraft paper and help guide them in dipping their fingers in the colors and stamping them onto the paper as ‘leaves’. Again, this craft does NOT have to be perfect.
You don’t need to use one finger in one color and make it pristine. My toddler was dipping all fingers in and just pressing away at the paper. Some colors got mixed together, some fingerprints got smudged. It’s all good!
Remember, it’s the little imperfections in child artwork that make it more special. The more rigid you are, the less fun you’ll both have.
After that step, I let me toddler finger paint on his paint pad while I did the finishing touches. I used a wider brush and made a brown tree trunk.
Lastly, I added some simple lettering, “Fall is here! Love, Henry”. You could add whatever wording you want for this part.
If you’re looking for some more fun fall ideas, check out these other posts here!
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