Last updated on October 24th, 2023
Inside: Pumpkin painting is a fun activity for toddlers and older kids too! Perfect activity for both fake and real pumpkins while you await pumpkin carving day.

Pumpkin Painting
We started doing pumpkin painting when my toddler was just 18 months old last year and now it’s become somewhat of a fall tradition at our house.
Last year we used real pumpkins – we just set aside some of the smaller ones we got at the pumpkin patch. But this year, I got some cute all white fake pumpkins so that we could use them later for playing and decorating the playroom.
What You Need For Pumpkin Painting
- real or fake pumpkins
- paint brushes or sponges
- paint palette (optional)
- paint
- kraft paper + tape, drop cloth or tarp
- art smock
- parchment paper
How To Set Up For Pumpkin Painting
If you’ve never painted with a toddler before and aren’t sure where to begin – go ahead and check out this post detailing the perfect set up, clean up, and painting routine for toddlers. I also link all of my must-have painting supplies within the post! You won’t want to miss it!
Once your work station is prepped, gather all of your supplies, put an art smock on your child and get them seated. All you’ve got to do for this one is hand them a few brushes, paints, and pumpkins and let them get creative in painting their pumpkins.
How To Paint Pumpkins
My toddler enjoyed doing a little bit of brush painting and a little bit of finger painting. He also would sometimes dip the pumpkin in the paint wells and coat it that way too. It was fun watching him get creative and doing his own thing.

Once your kids are done painting, set your pumpkins on parchment paper to dry fully. After they are dry, you can display them indoors or outdoors.
Last year, we painted real pumpkins and left them on our front stoop outside – the overhang covered our stoop enough to keep them pretty dry – but keep in mind this is washable paint. I HIGHLY recommend avoiding acrylic paints with younger children due to the clean up process.

This year, we painted these cute little white fake pumpkins that I came across on Amazon. They are now part of our Halloween ‘shelfie’ (playroom toy shelf/book shelf). My toddler has fun playing with them and showing them off to visitors.

For older children, your painting ideas can be more elaborate – such as monster faces or something spooky and fun for Halloween. Mom – don’t be shy – go ahead and paint one for yourself too! I made a cute polka-dot one while my toddler was painting. You’re never too old to enjoy crafts and activities. 🙂

Wrap It Up
We have a lot of fun with this activity and I’m sure your kids will too! Let me know how they enjoyed their pumpkin painting by leaving a comment below – I love hearing from you!
If you’re looking for some more fun fall activities, be sure to check these other ideas out!
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