Last updated on July 13th, 2021

Hey there! I’m Jen, the founder of The ABCs of Motherhood. I am completely addicted to anything sugary, always curled up with a book, a tad bit obsessed with true crime, and probably the only millennial that prefers 50s music to whatever is on the radio. I get way too excited about new notebooks and finding the perfect gel pen and I find so much satisfaction in making lists and organizing.
I’m happily married to my best friend, John, and together we are raising our family. I’m a mama to my son, Henry, who is 2, and to one on the way (due in December!).
I don’t know about you, but I felt clueless when I was pregnant with my son. I had no idea how to do anything motherhood related. This meant I was googling everything from what to put on my baby shower registry to how to breastfeed and everything in between. You could find me practically living on the internet in those early days, just trying to soak everything in.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost when you become a mom. I created this blog because I want to help other moms and moms-to-be feel prepared for every stage of motherhood and less lost. Whether that stage is pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum, newborn, toddler, or beyond. I want to build confidence and help mamas thrive in their role.
In this blog, you’ll find pregnancy and postpartum guides and discussions, newborn tips, toddler meal ideas, activities and crafts, as well as mom routines, organization 101, and meal prep hacks. Girl, I love a good list, so you will find plenty of those here, like newborn essentials, hospital bag checklists, postpartum necessities, SAHM daily routines, and holiday checklists. This blog will become your one stop shop for everything motherhood.
Motherhood can be both challenging and beautiful. I promise that I will be realistic and authentic with you here. I’ll share the ugly parts as well as the magical moments, all while providing helpful tips along the way. Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you’ll stay awhile.
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