Last updated on October 23rd, 2023
Inside: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a wonderful resource for boosting your child’s love for reading. It’s offered to children for free ages birth-5 years old. In this post I’ll share where you can sign up.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
If you’ve never heard of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, you’ve got to check it out. It’s a wonderful local resource for families with children. The library’s goal is to foster a love for reading starting at an early age.
Dolly Parton set up her Imagination Library to help inspire children to love of reading. Subsequently, she provides free books to families of all incomes.
Signing up is free and easy to do. Click the link above to find out all the details. Navigate the website to sign up for free. So your little one will get a book through the mail once a month from birth to age 5.
We’ve gotten some of Henry’s favorite books through this program. I love that now that he’s older, he gets so excited going to the mailbox to get his monthly book! We read so many of these during our bedtime routine.
I know the program isn’t set up in every single city, but it’s worth checking out. As a result, you can have a total of 60 books throughout your child’s first five years of life by signing up. Just click the link listed above to see if the program is available near you.
Happy reading friends! What is your toddler’s favorite book right now?
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