Last updated on July 31st, 2023
Inside: A huge list of Easter basket gift ideas your toddler will love. You’ll find a ton of awesome Easter basket gift guides broken down by category: outdoor toys, indoor toys, crafty toys, and more! Plus a list of ideas to use for plastic Easter egg fillers that are non-candy items.

The Easter Bunny Is Coming!
It’s hard to believe it is already nearly Easter! This year is flying by. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day and the next thing you know, an event or holiday quickly approaches and you realize you haven’t even begun preparing for the day.
It happens. But it’s okay. I’ve got you covered with this HUGE list of Easter basket gift ideas. Most of them can be found at Target or the Dollar Store.
I had to be on top of it and prepared this Easter, because Henry’s 2nd birthday happens to fall on Easter this year. I also knew I wanted to splurge on a personalized Easter basket, so I needed to order that in advance.
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Pottery Barn Easter Basket
I’m so happy with how beautiful his Easter basket turned out. He will have this one forever. It’s from Pottery Barn Kids and is Peter Rabbit themed. We love the Peter Rabbit books and this basket was just too cute to pass up!
I got so excited when the personalized basket arrived that I decided to fill it with goodies right away. We knew we’d be doing birthday gifts the same weekend this year, so I didn’t want to fill his basket with too much – just a few fun little gifts.
I added a lot of small ‘filler’ items to make it look fun and colorful. We didn’t do any candy this year just because he’s still pretty little, at 2 years old. Maybe next year, we will see. Instead of candy, we did some Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies, Annie’s Bunny Grahams, and fruit snacks. They were all found at Target in a variety box with individual packages of each snack.

Non–candy Easter basket filler treats can include:
- Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies or Goldfish
- Annie’s Bunny Grahams or Teddy Grahams
- Fruit snacks
- Container of puffs
- Pouches / flavored applesauce pouches
- Bag of yogurt melts
- Container of baby cheetos
When choosing Easter basket gifts, it’s always a good idea to include some spring or summer items in your kid’s Easter basket so you’ve got some fresh toys to bring out on the next warm spring day. We always choose chalk or bubbles and maybe a beach ball. Just something fresh for the year that can be used outside.

Outdoor toys can include:
- Bubbles
- Bubble blower
- Chalk
- Squirt guns (mini ones)
- Water table toys (I like to get fresh ones each year – they get gross!)
- Digging toys / sandbox toys
- Balls
I also like to add some sort of craft or coloring activity. This year our basket simply has a new coloring book. The one I found has both Paw Patrol and Blues Clues pictures in it.
Crafty ideas can include:

- Coloring book
- Markers (we love the triangular markers)
- Dot markers
- Crayons (we love the twistable crayons)
- Watercolor set
- Stickers
- Stamp set
- Finger paint
- Play dough + accessories
Easter is a good time to freshen up your toy stock. By now, they have played with their Christmas toys for several months and it’s nice to add some new toys into your rotation.
Some indoor toys can include:

- Finger puppets
- Animal figurines
- Superhero action figures
- Dinosaurs
- Push cars
- Little people + accessories
- Hot wheels cars
- Bath toys
- Stacking cups
- Musical instruments
- Stuffies
- Books
- Bath bombs
- Stuffed animals
- Fake tool set
- Magnet letters or animals
- Puzzles
- Play kitchen food
- Small baby doll
- Easter window clings
- Easter bunny ears headband
- Small battery operated toys such as: fake remote, fake controller, fake phone, etc.
Spring is also a great time to start stocking up on summer essentials.
Some clothes and accessory ideas include:

- Bath robe
- Slippers
- Bookbag
- Rain boots
- Jammies
- Summer slip on shoes
- Water shoes
- Pool/beach towel
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Water bottle
- Dress up clothes + accessories
I know a lot of families like to participate in an Easter egg hunt so I wanted to include some plastic Easter egg filler ideas that were non-candy for the littles.
Non–Candy Ideas for Filling Plastic Eggs:

- Puffs or Cheerios
- Fruit Loops
- Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies or Goldfish
- Annie’s Bunny Grahams or Teddy Grahams
- Yogurt melts
- Miniature trucks
- Tiny animal figurines
- Finger puppets
- Little people
- Fruit snacks
OK, I know I’ve shared a lot of ideas, but I wanted to share one of my bonus toys that my toddler is mesmerized by. I use it to distract him for diaper changes (because he HATES them) and it is a complete game changer. It can be found on Amazon and it’s a big hit over here. I love it so much, I bought a second one for his Easter basket as back-up.
Well, that’s it! I hope you enjoyed my Easter basket ideas. Is there anything I missed that you always include? Be sure to check out this super cute Easter craft to get in the holiday spirit!
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