Last updated on October 23rd, 2023
Inside: Gather the kids and settle in for a fun family movie night (Thanksgiving themed!) complete with a Thanksgiving treat the whole family can enjoy!

Thanksgiving Movie + Cornucopia Treat
One of my family’s favorite traditions is to do a monthly family movie night with a treat to share. We like to try to stick to a theme each month – whether that be the current month’s holiday or season or whatnot – it’s always fun to get creative and see what we can come up with each month.
What I love about this tradition is that it can evolve with our growing family. As my kids get older, we can continue this tradition with more age appropriate movies. Right now, we stick to the more toddler friendly movies since my little one is still quite young.
This month we wanted to do a Thanksgiving theme, of course! So we decided on A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving for our movie. For our Thanksgiving-themed treat, I decided to try these super cute fruit-filled ‘cornucopias’ dipped in yummy melted peanut butter. They turned out delicious!

Cornucopia Treat Ingredients
- assorted fruit, diced (I used apples, clementines, and grapes)
- sugar or waffle cones
- assorted fall sprinkles (I found mine at Hobby Lobby – but Target usually has them too!)
- creamy peanut butter, melted

Cornucopia Treat Instructions
- Choose some of your favorite fruits and dice everything up. If you’ve got older kids, you wouldn’t necessarily need to dice the grapes up – but my little is still young enough that they are a choking hazard left whole.
- Microwave creamy peanut butter in 30 second intervals, mixing in between, until nice and melted for easy dipping.
- Dip the tops of the ice cream cones in the melted peanut butter (you can use a small spatula or spoon to spread evenly as well).
- Pour your fall-themed sprinkles over top the peanut butter.
- Let it sit for a little bit to harden up some.
- Scoop your diced fruit inside each cone.
- Enjoy!

Create a Cozy Movie
When we have our monthly movie night, I like to set up a special area in the house for the event – just to add an element of excitement. There’s something about a cozy, inviting spot that the whole family can snuggle in and kick back to watch movies together. It just makes it feel more comfy and fun!
Lately, we’ve been using this set up that I made in our playroom. I’m using our Nugget couch with pillow cushions on top to sit on and lots of cozy blankets to bundle up with. The triangle part of the Nugget couch makes the perfect headrest for movie watching.

In the past, I’ve simply just gathered up some comforters and pillows and piled us all into the living room to watch on the living room floor. Anything works, really! I just like to switch it up from the usual couch + movie routine so that it feels different and special.

Relax + Connect
Our big ground rule with family movie night is that we all hang out together to watch and there are no distractions. No phones or anything like that. It’s so easy to be glued to your phone or social media – but for family movie night – the phones stay in another room so we can all connect and be present.

What is your family’s go to Thanksgiving movie and snack? I’d love to hear what you do in your house – let me know by leaving a comment below!
Be sure to check out these other fun fall activities and treats you can do with your kids!
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