Valentine’s Day Books
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate with my kids. There are so many fun Valentine’s themed activities, sensory bins, crafts, and of course, books!
We’ve accumulated a lot of great Valentine’s Day books over the years and I’ve compiled our favorites into a big list to share with you, with over 50+ titles included.
With holidays and seasons, there are always a lot of book titles out there – and not all of them are good or worth reading. It can be frustrating to check out a bunch of holiday titles from the library, only to realize they aren’t fun to read and you dread picking them up to read aloud to your kids.
That’s why I think it’s incredibly helpful to utilize book lists from other like-minded moms. I hope to be that go-to book list source for you and have been steadily working on book lists for each holiday, season, and more here on this website.
I’ve carefully curated this Valentine’s Day book list for you and your children and hope that you find some book joy amongst the titles.
I’ve included two separate lists: picture books and board books. I want to refrain from adding any age range to either list, because it can vary greatly from child to child.
For example, although board books are typically geared for 0-3 year old children, my nearly 6 year old still adores them, even though we read dozens of chapter books each month, too!
On the other hand, one of my children was listening to longer picture books daily at 2 years old whereas my other child didn’t show even a hint of interest until 3 years old. So try a few out and see what is best for your own child(ren).
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Valentine’s Day Picture Books

First on our list is a book by one of my all time favorite authors/illustrators, Jan Brett. This is a spin off from the book “Cozy”, which is so good if you haven’t check it out yet.
This one follows Cozy, a musk ox, who is feeling worried that he’ll never impress Lofti. He’s sulking when he realizes that one of his friends, Bella, a beluga whale is in danger. He rushes to save his friend, not realizing that his actions were being watched by Lofti, who was very much impressed that he would do so much to help a friend.
Jan Brett’s illustrations are among some of my favorite – they are so timeless and beautiful and absolutely are worth checking out.
Turkey’s Valentine Surprise – Wendi Silvano

If your kids are anything like mine and are completely obsessed with the Thanksgiving book “Turkey Trouble” then I know you’ll love this one from the same series!
Turkey secretly delivers valentine’s cards to each of his friends while dressed in disguise. But of course, as we know, his friends can always see through his silly disguises.
Arthur’s Valentine – Marc Brown

Who doesn’t love Arthur?! I fondly remember having this whole collection when I was a kid and I’m so happy my kids have fallen in love with Arthur too.
After all, Arthur taught us, “Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card!”
Franklin’s Valentines – Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin was a big time favorite of mine while growing up, too. I love how the book starts just like the show, “Franklin could count to ten and back again”.
This one follows Franklin as he prepares for Valentine’s Day. He spends a long time creating the perfect valentines cards for his friends, not realizing that he dropped them all in an icy puddle while rushing for the bus.
He’s devastated when he notices they are gone and feels really bad that he has nothing to pass out to his friends. But he slowly realizes that his friends don’t mind if they don’t get something in return and that you can tell your friends you love them any day, not just Valentine’s Day.
Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink – Diane deGroat

This was my nearly 6 year old’s favorite Valentine’s Day book last year.
Gilbert creates Valentine’s Day cards for each of his classmates, but decides at the last minute to write a mean message in two cards intended for his classmates, Lewis and Margaret, that were once mean to him.
Instead of signing his name, he signs Lewis and Margaret in each respective card, making it appear that they each sent the mean card to each other.
He is quickly found out and feels really bad about what he’s done, especially when nobody will play with him. He learns his lesson, says sorry, and corrects his mistake so everyone can enjoy the Valentine’s Day party.
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch – Eileen Spinelli

Mr. Hatch is living a lonely life until he receives a Valentine’s Day gift and card with the message, “somebody loves you”. This changes the way he views life, until he realizes there was a terrible mistake. But then his friends all work together to show him just how loved he really is.
Cranberry Valentine – Wende and Harry Devlin

The Cranberry book series is a classic!
Mr. Whiskers admits to Maggie and her grandmother that he has never received a Valentine before. Then, much to his surprise, he starts receiving a bunch of fancy valentines but is mortified by their arrival.
Can Mr. Whiskers figure out who is sending all these “revolting” and embarrassing valentines?
Queen of Hearts – Mary Engelbreit

Anne Estelle is determined to make the best ever Valentine’s Day box for her class valentines card exchange. She is so focused on making it perfect, that she completely forgets to make valentines cards to pass out to her friends.
She looks at her beloved box, and decides to give pieces of it away in lieu of cards and is just happy to have made everyone else so happy and received Valentine’s messages from all her friends inside her now plain box.
If You’ll Be My Valentine – Cynthia Rylant

Cynthia Rylant is a favorite in our house!
In this sweet picture book, filled with rhyming text and cute illustrations, a boy makes valentines cards for everyone he loves, including his puppy, kitten, little brother, and grandma.
The Invisible String – Patrice Karst

This is a hugely popular book about a mother explaining to her children that a very special string made of love keeps everyone we love connected and that it is felt in your heart, even though you can’t see it.
The Night Before Valentine’s Day – Natasha Wing

No holiday book list would be complete without including a book from Natasha Wing’s “The Night Before…” series.
We love all of the books in this fun and colorfully illustrated series. Each one is a parody for the famous ‘The Night Before Christmas’ poem and encompasses everything that we love about each holiday in an amusing and classic way.

Here is another beautifully illustrated book about a girl raising a duckling over the course of a year and realizing what hard work caring and loving for something is, and then also realizing that sometimes love is about letting go.
Happy Valentine’s Day Little Critter – Mercer Mayer

Little Critter was a favorite of mine growing up, and I’m so happy to share these simple, classic stories with my kids now.
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose – Lucille Colandro

No list would be complete without including a book from the “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A…” series.
These have been huge, huge favorites in our house since my firstborn was just 2 years old! There are so many in the series and all of them are great (and so silly).
There are a lot of versions of this same idea, but this author / illustrator combo are my favorite, by far.
I Love You Like Yellow – Andrea Beaty

This one can be read any time of year, as it’s not about Valentine’s Day, but about love in general.
It’s one of my favorite picture books filled with charming, rhyming text and the most beautiful illustrations. Promise me you’ll check this one out!
Little Bear’s Valentine – Else Holmelund (no link found – check library)

Who doesn’t love the classic Little Bear series?

I really enjoyed the wintery illustrations captured in this picture book about a mama polar bear braving the weather to search for her lost baby bear.
I Love You, Daddy – Jillian Harker

This is a sweet ‘daddy’ book.
It follows Little Bear and Daddy Bear as they go through their day together. Daddy Bear gently encourages and supports Little Bear’s independence as he’s getting bigger and more capable to do things on his own now.
Love You Forever – Robert Munsch

You either love this one or hate it – there is no in between. I had to include it because while yes, I understand that some find it a little odd, I still find it’s message incredibly heartwarming.
I vividly remember reading this to my first child when he was just a few weeks old (yep, I read these longer books aloud to my brand new babies) and just sobbing (I was a newly postpartum hormonal mess). For me, I find the book endearing and a reminder about the passage of time.
Guess How Much I Love You – Sam McBratney

I had to include this classic board book in our love day list!
Valentine’s Are For Saying I Love You – Margaret Sutherland

This one is a simple picture book explaining how we make Valentine’s cards for people we love on February 14th as a way to show our friends and family how much we love them.
Valentine’s Day Jitters – Julie Danneberg

Mrs. Hartwell is bound and determined to throw the perfect Valentine’s Day party to show her students just how much she cares. She plans out an amazing party, but then chaos erupts and she is sure the party is a disaster until her students help rescue the party and remind her that she shows them she cares every single day, not just Valentine’s Day.
This one is really heartwarming and is a lovely message to all of the teachers (and even us homeschool moms) that teachers show up for kids every day.

This little boy is the hug machine – he is the best at giving out hugs to anyone that needs one. After he comes home exhausted from hugging everyone else all day, mom is ready and waiting to give him a hug now.
Snowy Valentine – David Petersen

Jasper the bunny is determined to find the perfect valentine for Lilly, but cannot seem to find anything right. He even faces some real danger when he is almost tricked by Teagan the fox and nearly gives up hope altogether, until Lilly makes him realize that his love is the best gift of all.
Plant a Kiss – Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Little Miss plants a kiss and is thrilled to share it with everyone around her. The text is simple and filled with rhymes that are easy to read aloud. What I love is the sweet illustrations and the added texture glitter effect.
Ruby Valentine Saves the Day – Laurie Friedman

This is our favorite Ruby Valentine book right now! Ruby Valentine is excited for her favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day, and is planning the perfect party for the town. But an unexpected blizzard arrives and ruins her plans.
Ruby Valentine realizes that the most important thing about Valentine’s Day is just being with the ones you love.
Ruby Valentine and the Sweet Surprise – Laurie Friedman

In this Ruby Valentine book, Ruby adopts a new kitten, but not everyone at home is happy about her new, cuddly addition. Lovebird and the new kitten both try to prove to Ruby that each loves her more. In the end, they learn that Ruby has enough room in her heart to love both of them.
This one would be a great read for a new big sibling.
Love, Ruby Valentine – Laurie Friedman

In this book, Ruby Valentine is so busy preparing for her favorite holiday of the year, that she accidentally sleeps right through Valentine’s Day. She is about to give up and wait until next year to celebrate, when she realizes that she doesn’t need to wait for a special day to say, “I love you”.
Pete the Cat: Valentine’s Day Is Cool – Kimberly and James Dean

Pete the Cat is one of those that seems really simple to us adults, but children really seem to gravitate towards. This one is really enjoyable to read aloud.
Pete the Cat goes around town handing out Valentine’s, but later realizes that the best thing to do for a friend is spend time with them.

This one is reminiscent of The Kissing Hand in it’s message. Mama Bear has to go away for a little while and Little Bear is worried, so Mama Bear introduces The Kiss Box as a way to soften Little Bear’s worries.
Valentine’s Day Board Books
Tiny T. Rex and the Perfect Valentine – Jonathan Stutzman

In this favorite board book, Tiny T. Rex attempts to make his best friend the perfect valentine card to show how much he cares, but keeps failing at every attempt. In the end, he shows up empty-handed only to be reassured that all friends truly need are each other.
I Love You All Ways – Marianne Richmond

I’m a total sucker for sweet little woodland illustrations, so I knew right away without even reading this one, that I’d love it.
The sweet rhyming words combined with the illustrations are perfect in this one and it’s been a favorite in our house for years now!
Little Blue Truck’s Valentine – Alice Schertle

Every home library needs the Little Blue Truck collection! Ugh, this series is one of my absolute favorites. My nearly 6 year old still loves when I pull out any Little Blue Truck book.
This one follows Little Blue Truck as he passes out valentines cards to all of his friends, only to be surprised at the end by receiving a big valentine of his own from all of them.
I’ve Loved You Since Forever – Hoda Kotb

This book has a special place in my heart. It’s message is that we mamas have loved our babies even since before they were born and that we were just waiting until the day that we could meet them.
ABCs of Love – Patricia Hegarty

I snagged this book years ago purely based on falling in love with the cover and illustrations.
It goes through the ABCs detailing ways we love each other, like this: “A is for always – that’s how long I’ll love you for.” It’s very sweet and lovely to read aloud.

Hoda Kotb has done it again with this sweet rhyming board book about a mama and baby bear preparing for bed and reflecting on all the things that made them happy throughout the day.
Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug – Jonathan Stutzman

This is another one of those books that seems really, sort of simple to us adults, but kids just absolutely love. In our house, it’s one of those books that they ask to read again the moment we finish it.
Tiny T. Rex is adorably illustrated and is a book about a young T. Rex that wants to comfort his best friend, but feels he’s too little to properly hug him and help. In the end, he decides to just try his best, despite his smallness and be there for his friend.
On the Night You Were Born – Nancy Tillman

This is my favorite Nancy Tillman book. Her illustrations are so captivating and unique and the message in this one will resonate with moms everywhere – celebrating the absolute miracle that babies are in our lives.
Bunny Roo, I Love You – Melissa Marr

I bought this book purely based on these sweet illustrations, and I fell in love with the message that mamas knows just how to soothe and care for their babies.
If I Could Keep You Little… – Marianne Richmond

Marianne Richmond makes beautiful board books. This one, I think, is a message that I, myself, need reminded of often.
It’s message is that while we may want to keep our babies little and never have them grow up, we would miss out on so many truly beautiful moments that we get to experience as they get bigger.
This one would be a perfect baby shower or first birthday party gift, too!
I Love You Through and Through – Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak

It’s hard not to fall in love with Caroline Jayne Church’s simple illustrations in this book series. This one is another that is perfect to be read aloud to infants and very young toddlers.
It’s one that has been read so many times in our house, that I could recite it by memory.
Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You – Nancy Tillman

Another one slightly reminiscent to the famous picture book, “The Kissing Hand”, this one shares a similar message of ‘I’m always here, even when you can’t see me,” Although the books share a similar message, this one is vastly different in it’s illustrations and style.
You Are My I Love You – Maryann Cusimano Love

This one reads like a poem and contains illustrations that feel really whimsical. Something about the combination of both have always drawn me in.

Love Monster is a bestseller and for good reason. It follows Love Monster who is sad because he doesn’t feel that he fits in anywhere because he’s not snuggly or ‘cute’, so he sets out to find a place where he belongs.
He’s just about to give up, when love sneaks up and finds him when he least expects it.
I Love You, Stinky Face – Lisa McCourt

This one is silly and sweet all at once. As Mama is reading a bedtime story, her little boy keeps asking her if she would still love him if he were all sorts of strange and interesting creatures (like a smelly skunk or a swamp creature) and over and over again, Mama reassures him that she will love him always.
Especially perfect for reading aloud to little boys – my son would beg to read that one over and over when he was a young toddler.
Blues Clues & You: Blue Loves You! – Tex Huntley

I typically will not add books depicting modern cartoons on my book lists, but Blues Clues & You was such a favorite for us for years and this one is actually pretty well done, whereas most tv show based kid’s books are pretty terrible as far as readability and entertainment goes.
This one encompasses the show well as they play Blues Clues trying to figure out what special surprise Blue is making for their Love Day party. I swear, I catch myself reading it aloud in Josh’s voice every time I read it.
Where Is Baby’s Valentine? – Karen Katz

This was my daughter’s FAVORITE Valentine’s Day book when she was 2 years old. I can’t even tell you how many dozens of times we read it that year. It definitely deserves a spot on this list as a kid favorite.
It’s a fun lift-the-flap book about Baby searching for her special valentine. Behind each lift the flap, the illustrations have either added texture with glitter or shimmery colors, which always drew my daughter’s attention.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse – Laura Numeroff

This Mouse board book is not in the same style as the “If You Give a…” series that the author and illustrator are known for, but it’s still a fun, simple read.
In this one, Mouse is making Valentine’s Day cards for all of his friends. We get to see all of our favorite characters: Pig, Moose, Cat, Dog, and a few more!
Clifford’s First Valentine’s Day – Norman Bridwell

This is a Clifford board book about Clifford when he was a little puppy. Clifford spends his first Valentine’s Day with Emily Elizabeth making Valentine’s Day cards, but things go haywire when he accidentally falls into the mail chute at the post office.
What Is Love, Biscuit? – Alyssa Satin Capucilli

In this Biscuit board book, Biscuit and the little girl explore different ways we show and feel love: through friendships, helping others, sharing, and spending time together.
Llama Llama I Love You – Anne Dewdney

The entire Llama Llama board book series is great for our littlest readers. Between the catchy rhymes and soft illustrations, you’ll want to collect the whole set!
Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day – Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Fans of the Biscuit series books will enjoy this simple lift-the-flap book about Biscuit and the little girl delivering valentines to all of their friends.
Little Owl’s Love – Divya Srinivasan

We have the entire Little Owl collection in our home library and this series will always have my heart.
In this book, Little Owl reflects on different things that he loves about the forest he lives in: the shimmering stars, the fireflies, his forest friends, the different things there are to discover.
For fans of Little Owl, this is a must!
Elvis Presley’s Love Me Tender – Stephanie Graegin

This one is full of beautiful illustrations that are paired with Elvis Presley’s iconic song: Love Me Tender.
Personally, I always sing the words while reading this book – and to me, there’s nothing sweeter than softly singing this beautiful song to the baby in your arms.

This is a sweet and simple book that is perfect for reading aloud to your infant and young toddler.
Each page has just a few words on it that describe all the best things about babies. It starts out: “Rosy cheeks. Button nose. Little fingers. Tiny toes.” Every time I read this one, it feels like I’m right back into the baby years and it’s such a lovely, cozy feeling.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you loved this Valentine’s Day book list and found some new titles for your family to enjoy. Let me know in the comments which titles are your family’s favorites!
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